
Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Birds in Britain

Feeding British birds can be a hugely rewarding activity! You’re supporting local wildlife and biodiversity. For many people today it’s the only time the convene with nature. It is especially important in the colder weather as seasons change and natural food sources diminish. Whether you’re a seasoned bird feeder or a beginner looking to attract wildlife to your garden, this guide will cover the essentials to bring flocks of birds to your garden.

Why Feeding Birds is Important

As urbanization increases and natural habitats shrink, birds are finding it harder to locate food. Feeding wild birds, particularly during harsh winters and early spring, helps sustain their populations and ensures that they get the nutrients they need to thrive. In the UK, feeding garden birds is a popular hobby, and the right bird food can make a huge difference to the species and variety of birds you attract to your garden, and their survival and wellbeing.

The Best Bird Food for British Birds

When it comes to bird food, not all options are equal. Offering a mix of high-quality foods can attract a wide variety of species to your garden, supporting both the local bird population and biodiversity.

  • Sunflower Seeds: These are a firm favorite for many birds. They provide high-fat content, which is vital for energy, especially during colder months. Sunflower Hearts for birds are a fantastic option as they are hulled and easy to eat, meaning less mess and waste.
  • Suet: Rich in energy, suet is a top choice, particularly in autumn and winter when birds need extra fat. Products like Eco Bird Food’s seasonal suet blocks are tailored to British birds, with added nutrients like mealworms and dried fruit.
  • Peanut Pieces: A great source of protein and fat, peanuts are popular with species like blue tits and great tits. Be sure to use unsalted, bird-safe peanuts and remember that peanut pieces are better for birds with small beaks than whole nuts.

Quality Seed Mixes: Premium bird seed mixes, like those offered by Eco Bird Food, ensure that you’re feeding birds a healthy and diverse diet. Cheaper mixes may include fillers like safflower seeds and wheat, which have little nutritional value for most birds. 

Key Considerations When Feeding British Birds

  1. Avoid Cheap Fillers It’s important to avoid seed mixes with fillers like which are low in nutritional value and often discarded by birds. Instead, invest in a quality mix that includes seeds like sunflower hearts, millet, and mealworms or other insect larvae.
  2. Clean Your Feeders Regularly Hygiene is essential when feeding birds. Dirty feeders can spread diseases, so clean them at least monthly with a solution of 9 parts water, one part apple cider vinegar, ensuring any uneaten food is removed to prevent mold growth.
  3. Seasonal Adjustments Birds have different nutritional needs depending on the season. For example:
  • Winter: Offer high-energy foods like suet and peanuts to help birds stay warm.
  • Spring and Summer: Provide foods that are easy for young birds to digest, like mealworms and sunflower hearts. To make your mealworms extra digestible soak them in water overnight before putting them out. This also provides priceless water to chicks and fledglings.
  1. Provide Fresh Water Along with feeding birds, providing fresh water is essential for drinking and bathing. In hot weather, a simple bird bath or even a shallow dish will help birds stay hydrated. Make sure to keep it clean and full year-round.
  2. Offer Shelter Birds need more than just food to thrive. Planting native trees and shrubs, like hawthorn or ivy, offers them protection from predators and harsh weather, while also providing natural food sources like berries and insects. Also consider putting a bird house in your garden as if you’ve got birds living in your garden you’ll have birds feeding in your garden. 

How to Attract Different Species of British Birds

Different bird species have unique preferences. Here’s a brief guide to help attract a variety of British birds to your garden:

  • Woodpeckers: Suet and peanuts
  • Robins: Love mealworms and sunflower hearts.
  • Goldfinches: Sunflower hearts all the way; nyger seed also but this makes a mess. 
  • Blue Tits: Enjoy peanuts and suet blocks.
  • Blackbirds: Opt for fruits and worms;l loves a raisin. 

By offering a variety of foods, you’ll encourage a wide array of species to visit, each playing a role in maintaining the natural balance of your garden. 

Supporting the Environment by Feeding Birds

By feeding birds in your garden, you’re not just supporting them—you’re contributing to biodiversity. Eco Bird Food takes this seriously, offering products that are both bird-friendly and environmentally conscious. From biodegradable packaging to plastic-free initiatives, the company is committed to making a positive impact. 

Ecobird Food
Ecobird Food

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